Friday, February 27, 2009

Sickness won't leave our house

Well I came home yesterday to my hubby "on his death bed" as he put He always claims that though when ever he is sick..But the stomach bug has hit our not sure how we are always sick..but im kind of SICk of always having sickness here..I am praying that i dont get it..bc Jared said that it's awful..i think it is a quick moving virus though and only lasts 24hrs. But then after I got home from getting brielle she started running a fever and ran one all night and complained of her stomach hurting but she hasnt pucked yet and this morning she just complained her tummy hurt but no maybe she didnt get that part..
As far as I have been feeling well I have had alot of experience with morning sickness all day..for awhile kind of sick of being sick.i have never had morning sickness like this with my other ones..I think with Destiny i got it only once on my way to watertwon i remember having to pull over so i could throw up..but i think that was about it..but i am praying that i get over this quickly bc it is relaly hard to take care of my family being sick...especially when they are sick too..maybe this is my sign that its a BOY:P We are all hoping!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

ENT doctor

WEll we went to the ENT (ear,nose, throat,) dr today..Basically he had said that we are going to do tubes. There is ALOT of fluid in her ears..It usually is a pretty basic procedure but with her ears( they are really really really small inside) that it might take longer and be a little bit more tricky! Sometimes the tubes are actually to big to do bc there inner ears are so small. But he didnt think that was going to be the case for Avery. He thought they would be alright. As far as worrying about swimming and baths he said that i wouldnt have to worry about it bc once again her inner ears are so small.Is it a cure?? No, he told me that...there is still a 50% chance that she may still get ear infections, and there is still a 20% chance that she will have to have it (tubes)done again bc her inner ears are SOOO small. Also usually the tubes just disappear as they get older and the hole usually grows shut but sometimes in children with down syndrome the hole doesnt grow shut so we will have to watch that..So i said its another dr that we get to add to the list to see on a regular base and he said yep..arent you lucky!!!! I guess so! :) They also have problems with ear wax buildup bc there ears are so small so they will build up quickly and he said that it will probalby be necessary to go in on a regular bases to get them cleaned out. We talked about her runny nose too..It seems like she always has a ruunyy nose part of it is acid reflux, the other part is her nose part its smaller inside when he is putting in the tubes he is going to take out her adnoid(sp??) im not sure exactly what its good for or what it is but he said that its like your tonsils that you dont really need it and it will help with the runny nose. SO i guess we will wiat for them to call and schedule the surgery. It will probably be in about 5 days they said.

Here are a few pictures for your pleasure:) She loves to try to fit herself into places that she doesn't exactly fit. Well she got stuck next to my desk. And a few of her pushing her dolly around!!

WEll we went to the ENT (ear,nose, throat,) dr today..Basically he had said that we are going to do tubes. There is ALOT of fluid in her ears..It usually is a pretty basic procedure but with her ears( they are really really really small inside) that it might take longer and be a little bit more tricky! Sometimes the tubes are actually to big to do bc there inner ears are so small. But he didnt think that was going to be the case for Avery. He thought they would be alright. As far as worrying about swimming and baths he said that i wouldnt have to worry about it bc once again her inner ears are so small.Is it a cure?? No, he told me that...there is still a 50% chance that she may still get ear infections, and there is still a 20% chance that she will have to have it (tubes)done again bc her inner ears are SOOO small. Also usually the tubes just disappear as they get older and the hole usually grows shut but sometimes in children with down syndrome the hole doesnt grow shut so we will have to watch that..So i said its another dr that we get to add to the list to see on a regular base and he said yep..arent you lucky!!!! I guess so! :) They also have problems with ear wax buildup bc there ears are so small so they will build up quickly and he said that it will probalby be necessary to go in on a regular bases to get them cleaned out. We talked about her runny nose too..It seems like she always has a ruunyy nose part of it is acid reflux, the other part is her nose part its smaller inside when he is putting in the tubes he is going to take out her adnoid(sp??) im not sure exactly what its good for or what it is but he said that its like your tonsils that you dont really need it and it will help with the runny nose. SO i guess we will wiat for them to call and schedule the surgery. It will probably be in about 5 days they said.

Here are a few pictures for your pleasure:) She loves to try to fit herself into places that she doesn't exactly fit. Well she got stuck next to my desk.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Well just thought i would quickly update this before i have to go and get some medicine..But took Avery into the dr today bc i was tired of hearing the razzy sound in her chest. I have been debating with it for the last week but every time i take her in it seems like the der tells me that its not in her lungs..Well i finally just did it to ease my mind..And it turns out she has a double ear infection and wheezing in the we are going to try a shot anitbiotic for three days for the ears. Of course it has to be over the weekend so i have to take her to the greenville office which is open on the weekends but have to go in the early morning they said or i could waste my whole day there waiting..We will see how this works for the ears. But we are going to get schduled to go see a ENT (ear,nose,throat) dr. So in other words probably tubes..i have tried garilc oil and colliadol silver in her ears the past week but obvious it hasnt did any thing bc there is still a bunch of fluid in i guess we will see what the ENT dr has to say..As far as her lungs go we are going to try to treat it with an antibiotic for a wekk first then if it gets worse or isnt clearing up then he said we will try breathing treatments. She just has not been herself lately..i am hoping to get her back to herself so i can get some stuff done:))
As far as our other news goes..i dont know much details bc i have not been to the dr yet bc it is still too early. I just couldnt keep it a secret..But i think i am due sometime around the middle of October..which Destiny is pretty excited bc her bday is oct 13. So she wants it around her bday..We all are hoping for a BOY this time!! The girls are praying for two or you have to remember that jareds brother that lives down here just had twins and they think it is really neat..but i am hoping for just one:P After seeing what she goes through..boy oh boy..
I think that is about it but i will leave you with a fuuny story..The other night we were having a really bad thunderstorm and it was ligthening really bad and the girls were already in bed..Well they both come downstairs just scared as ever..especially Brielle she was just shaking she was so scared..Apparently Destiny had told her that the ligthening was going to come through the window and get her..Leave it to a big!!!
Well i was going to upload a fe wpics but my compute ris being dumb so i guess it will have to wait..

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What else could go wrong??

Well the last night as we are walking out the door..we see water driping from our light in the kitchen over our kitchen table. So our table has a puddle on it now..What in the world!!! I go upstairs and low and behold i have water everywhere in my laundry room. Urrghhh..So i stop my washer and look is a front loader washer and the whole inside of the grey part of the washer has come two things have gone wrong in the last couple of weeks first the computer and now the just waiting for the third thing bc mostly things come in three's!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another ear infection

Alright well i hate to report but yes Avery has another ear infection in her right ear of course. If anyone has any ideas on how to clear this up besides medicine i am up to all possiblities. I Have a feeling they might suggest tubs. But i guess we will cross that bridge when we get there.On the other side she is up to chunky monkey now:))
I have been dealing with Strep..not fun at all!! It is miserble..So that is about it for now..