Thursday, March 17, 2011

I’m a BIG GIRL now!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I've been really busy…We have been doing a lot of this lately…
and this…{running around in our panties} yes she has a snuggly in the second!!
and I'm happy to report that we pretty much got it whipped!!!! We have been working on it for around three weeks…there were a lot of times where I was about ready to throw in the towel and give up but I figured I started and I'm going to finish it bc I knew she was ready!!!  The first couple of days were really rough bc I could not for the life of me get her to go in the potty for the first time..The first day we of course had puddles everywhere and I would just watch her very, very, closely {pretty much stalk her all day} and run her into the bathroom quickly when I seen her start to pee…so then she was getting it that you go pee in the bathroom so she would run into the bathroom and then pee on the floor…Well then I got her to understand that it goes in the potty. So then the next day she would start to go but then stop and just hold it until I put a diaper on her at bedtime or naptime. See I have a very stubborn little girlSmile   but good thing I am much more stubborn!!!  So then we said bye-bye to diapers all together well that didn’t really fix it bc she just kept holding it and her stomach would be bulging from holding it all day and she would be saying “owie”  and then we had wet sheets for a couple of nights…Well I started to get creative to get her to go pee in the potty..I tried EVERYTHING!!! and nothing was working..until my SIL suggested putting her hand in a warm bowl of water…and Guess what she peed almost instantly..{grin}  So yes it actually does work!!hehe!!!  Well then it was kind of like a light bulb moment..and it kind of all clicked in place…or so  I thought bc we did end up going backwards the next day and I was so confused…ready to give up but no we kept pressing forward…and IM glad that we did..Yes there have been some panties that have landed in the garbage bc that is one thing that I cant really do clean poo out of panties!!! I have a weak stomach and my gag reflux kicks in and out they go as fast as possible! I know its kind of a waste but oh well…I was prepared I bought three packages of panties when we started;) She still has to have lots of help getting her pants down and getting on the potty but this will come..I'm not complaining bc she actually goes into the bathroom when she has to go without me asking her..So as soon as I hear the toilet seat hit the back of the toilet I go running like a mad woman to make it to the bathroom…This week is our third week into it and so far this last week we have managed to keep our panties on all day that we started with …WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I'm just going to say that one more time…WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  bc this is a HUGE deal in our house right now!!!!  I feel like climbing up to the roof top and shouting it and I'm sure my other girls will follow me and do it too bc they have  been helping me potty training her {hey, that’s four extra eyes watching her} Next task weaning her off of the treats…Avery   The babies and Avery have to go in the bathroom with me whenever I go well anyways..I know get the potty dance every time I go to the bathroom{grin} She is so proud of me….WE ARE ALL SO PROUD OF HER!!!!!
I have been working on Avery’s room lately bc we have gotten her out of the crib {well that was a while ago but anyways I never did anything with her room so I wanted to make it more of a big girl room..and what better time to do it when she turned into a “Big Girl” with her potty training… We repainted her room and I painted this canvas for her room..don’t look to is my first painting on a canvas and its not perfection but I was pleased with myself!!!
I also made her this owl pillow for her bed…
The second picture is some canvas’s that I redid..she had them more baby and I wanted them more big  girl so I recovered them with 12x12 scrapbook paper that I liked using mod podge.. Then with the top on I cut about five inch circle from some white muslin fabric and folded them and just kept gluing them down until I liked it..and for the other one I just did a really big rolled flower out of white muslin fabric and glued it down…what do you think??? 

So I thought I would update on how Avery is doing on the sleep machine too…
She does really good putting it on at night..but it only stays on for about a couple of hours..bc she is still pretty restless and is all over the place when she is sleeping. So about every hour we go in and put the mask back on but when I go to bed it is usually off so I just leave it off. So we pretty much play this game every night..We had our check up with the sleep dr last week and they said that she is averagine2-2.5 hrs a night and they were really pleased with that..They said we were doing a great job..We had to bring the machine with us and she had to wear it for awhile and she did so good..there was an older boy..(id say about 12-14) and he wasn’t wanting to wear his mask and so the nurse walked by our room and made a point to point out how wonderful Avery was doing and she was only three.So that really helped me and assured me that we were doing a good job!!   At the end of the month we get to go back and do another sleep study since she is used to the mask.(boo!! I really dislike these sleep studies) This will hopefully increase her four to a higher number and it will help her sleep better which in return will help her leave the mask on a lot longer..When the machine is at a four pressure wise it is only helping her sleep apnea about 30% and we want it to help it 100% so the only way to get there is increasing the pressure..We knew that this was going to have to be done once when she got used to the machine..bc her last sleep study was such a disaster they thought they would just leave the machine at a four for temporarily and then increase it later when she got used the mask. I think she knows it helps her and that is why she doesn’t fight it..Im just so thankful that she doesn’t really fight it anymore..she did in the beginning..maybe she just knows that it’s a battle she isn't going to win bc she hasn’t yet!!  We are actually going to be getting a different mask bc the one she has right now is a little goes in to her eye a little and how annoying can that be having air blowing into your eye!!!

Well that pretty much sums it up for now!!!  Hope you all have a great weekend…We are celebrating our 11th Anniversary on Friday and on Sunday its Avery’s fourth birthday..So we are going to have her bday party this weekend!!! 


Clarissa said...

Yay! Thats great that Avery is potty trained! I have 3 in diapers right now.. and am looking forward to getting Hadassah trained (she is not even 2 and a half yet)... but I'm not looking forward to the TRAINING part. lol.

I dislike that Avery has to wear that mask.. but I'm glad she is dealing with it okay. Abigail might have sleep apnea, but we haven't done a sleep study. I am not looking forward to the day that she will need to wear a mask! But, I know if it helps her in any way, then it will have to be accepted!

My prayers are with you all!

Clarissa said...

great job on her bedroom, btw! you are so creative!

Michelle said...

Yeah Dolly!!! Give her a hug for me (wish i could do it myself!!)! It must have been pretty interesting around your house for a while there... lol!! Esc with all that stubborness! :)

Love the bedroom...def looks like a big girls room now! The canvases with the flowers turned out GREAT!! So adorable! You do a great job with all that stuff!

Happy Anniversay!!! WOW! Time is flying! And Happy Birthday Avery!!!

Michelle said...

BTW... i think Avery wants to come see "Auntie Shell" for her birthday!! LOL!

Kaia said...

The canvas looks great! I thought it must've come from Pottery barn or something! Her room is so cute :)

Ronda said...

YAY!! And CUUUUUTE! Oh and CONGRATULATIONS on the potty training! ;)

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

ok seriously when do you have time to make all of the cute clothes for your girls, potty train avery and make such an adorable owl pillow???!!! awesome news about the potty training :) love the owl pillow and the clothes you made for summer for your girls!!!

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are so sexy. I want to fuck every one of their holes with my big fat cock. Have them call me daddy when I'm inside right pussy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Fucking parents it what you fuckers get