Sunday, August 15, 2010

Laura Ingles Wilder

I think this is my last post from our vacation to South Dakota. I have been wanting to take the girls to the Laura Ingalles Wilder homesite in DeSmet for a long time..We have been reading the books to our girls and they just love them!!!  So we decided that this trip to SD there were old enough to enjoy it there.. We all had a blast but the kids were having so much fun exploring everything…I was so impressed that everything was so hands on for the kids to just explore. Most of the times you will see signs everywhere that say “Dont touch!!”  but instead of them signs we seen signs that said Parents we encourage your children to touch, and explore everything!!” :)  What parent doesn't like that kind of sign:)) So here a ALOT of pics from our day there…
The girls with their cousins from SD that they loved hanging out with!!!!
Getting a drink the old way:))
They got to wash some clothes the old way too!! So fun!!!
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and then hangin out to dry:)) Boy am I glad I live in these times:P I would have alot of clothes to wash that way!!
In there house they had there clothes to try on..and yes Destiny that was there underwear!! haha!! Shes playing the piano the old way that she did not like..You had to pump the pedals..She said she was glad that she didnt have to play back then!!
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Brielle sewing on Ma’s sewing machine..I can only imagine how much stuff she made with that!!
Destiny and Breanna cooking everyone some supper…The girls had so much fun in there house playing “house”..they would of stayed there all day if we would of let them!!!
Mmmmm..good corn cobs:)
The homesite!!
We got to go on a ride down to the schoolhouse..It was pretty neat..They let each of the girls drive for a little bit too..but all of the girls thought it went kind of slow!!! I cant imagine trying to drive cross country in one of thank you!!
The girls practicing there roping skills..haha
The schoolhouse!!  That was neat the girls got to dress up in dresses and bonnets and the boys wore cowboy hats…
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Just going for a little ride!!
Just her size..hehe!!!
Everyone making rope…they got to make a rope and keep it..
All the girls making there corn cob doll..Laura had a corn cob you remember??

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