Thursday, August 19, 2010

Picnic in the Enchanted Forest!!

I surprised the girls with a picnic in our backyard last month (I know I'm a little behind since I’m just getting to putting it on here now but hey with vacation and getting ready for school I guess we have been pretty busy!!) They LOVED it!!!
Welcome to my Enchanted Forest!!!
Them walking into the forest and seeing it for the first time..Didn't really get the expressions in the pictures I was a little late:( but there faces lit up like the fourth of July!!!

The girls checking out all the goodies…What did I surprise them with???  Well we had heart shaped sandwiches..blueberries..mixed nuts..and a mixture of animal crackers, cheerios, and pretzels..and then Mountain Dew..Just to balance it out a little..haha!!!
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Then on our way into the house Destiny asks me If she can plan the next one???? Hmmm..wouldn't that be fun having everyone take turns and plan the picnic..I think  I started something fun!!!  WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
(Flash forward a month and Destiny and Brielle both planned a picnic ) Here a few pictures from there’s!!!
This time Jaya and Jianna got to enjoy the picnic..Last time they were taking naps!!
A close up to see what they packed..( I had to make my own sandwich they said they would of made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but they didnt know if I would of ate it) I told them that would of been fine but instead I made myself a slices..raisins..fishes..and the same kind of cracker mix..They did a GREAT JOB!!



Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

so fun!!! you make having 5 young girls, with two of them being babies, look easy!!! :)

Michelle said...

So cute and fun!! Looks like the girls loved it!

Kat said...

How fun! Such a cute idea! Its great to know when they look back on their childhood when they're older they'll remember the amazing picnics their mama did in the enchanted forest!What a wonderful experience and memory to have!